Jokes about Google and SEO - Your Search For Laughter is Over

Google is now such a large part of our everyday lives, who doesn’t say “just Google it” at least once a day?

Here at Grand Cru Digital, we love all things to do with Google search so we have put together some funny jokes and puns about Google and SEO to help you have a laugh and brighten your day.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your mouse, start scrolling and have a good laugh:

Jokes about Google

Here are a few of our favourite jokes about Google, please feel free to bookmark this page as we will be adding to the list as time goes on.

Why did the SEO walk to work?

Because there was too much traffic!

Spotted on the @Moz Twitter feed

“I don’t need Google my spouse knows everything.”

Everyone – Everywhere

“I wish I could Google search for things in my house.”

Someecards – user card

“The best place to hide a dead body is page 2 of the Google search results.”


“Is your name Google? Because you’ve got everything I’m searching for.”

“Google is great because you can ask something really obvious and nobody has to know”


“I love Google it’s like the brain, I don’t have”


“I Googled my symptoms… It turns out I need a bottle or three of wine.”

Casey Bryan – Wine Quotes

Jokes about SEO

Here are a few of our favourite jokes about SEO, please feel free to bookmark this page as we will be adding to the list as time goes on.

“An SEO expert walks into a bar, bars, beer garden, hangout, lounge, night club, mini bar, tavern, pub, beer, wine, whiskey…”

Unknown Source

“How do the SEOs increase the chances their rock band will be discovered? By turning up the AMP.”

What did the 1 year old SEO teach the 8-month-old?

“Don’t waste your crawl budget going for that toy. Just scream until your mom 301 redirects you to it.”

Why did the girl stop dating the SEO Nerd?

He loaded too fast.

Why did Tiger Woods start studying SEO?

To get his #1 ranking back.

For more Google and SEO geekiness, follow us on Instagram.

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